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Friday, September 25, 2009

How your destiny is ruled by Numbers?

Numerology is science of number. Through numerology we can convert sound into number and can know the Past, Present and future.
The universe is conceived and born of sound. Light is nothing but a sound of a particular frequency. All that we see in this world in solid, liquid, or gaseous state has emanated from sound. Even our mind is the crystal of sound. Nama (name) is sound from which rupa (form) has come. If somebody name is Alex then that name influences him and his destiny. If it vibrates with his birth Number and destiny number (total of date of birth) he will be lucky and if it doesn’t vibrate with his name certain obstacles are result.
We all are under the influence of number. The Single Numbers 1 to 9, Their Influence on Men and Women, Together with Their Hidden Meaning, and the Character of Persons Indicated by Them. For Example we have phone number, car number, house number etc. Have you ever realized these numbers play very important role in our life? If you observer carefully you find certain dates and day are more important to you than other day and dates.
There are only nine Planets in our Solar System, also that there are only nine numbers by which all our calculations on this earth are made. Beyond these nine numbers all the rest are repetitions, as 10 is a 1 with a zero added, an 11 is 1 plus 1, a 2; a 12 is 1 plus 2, a 3; and so on; every number, no matter how high, can be reduced to a single figure by what is called "natural addition" from left to right. The final single number that remains is called the "spirit, or soul number" of all the previous numbers added together.
Without going into any elaborate description of why this or that influence has been given to any particular number, I will go straight to the subject and show how each person may find what their number may be and how they may utilize this information. The nine numbers we have got to study are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8 and 9. These numbers were given to the Planets that control our system in the most distant ages of civilization and have been used and adopted by all students of occultism. Hindu, Chaldean, Chinese, Egyptian or Hebrew all of these civilizations knew about it.

The secret underlying the whole of this idea is that of the mysterious law of vibration. The day of Birth giving a Key number that is related to the Planet bearing the same number, this representing a vibration that lasts all through life and which may, or may not, be in accord with the "Name number", which I will explain later and with, the vibrations of individuals with whom we are brought into contact.
First we must consider each number in relation to the Planet it represents, if I may use a simple expression.

Value of Alphabets in number
A - I - J - Q - Y = 1
B - K - R = 2
C - G - L - S = 3
D - M - T = 4
E - H - N - X = 5
U - V - W = 6
O - Z = 7
F - P = 8
Days Ruled by numbers

1 SUN - Sunday
2 MOONS - Monday
3 JUPITER - Thursday
5 MERCURY - Wednesday
6 VENUS - Friday
8 SATURN - Saturday
9 - MARS Tuesday
Zodiac Signs Ruled by Numbers
Aries, Scorpio :- 9
Taurus, Libra:- 6
Gemini, Virgo:- 5
Cancer :- 2 and 7
Leo:- 1-4
Sagittarius, Pisces:- 3
Capricorn, Aquarius:- 8

Truth should need to proof so I am proofing my theory by taking Nepal as Example.

55813= 5+5+8+1+3= 22, /2+2=4.

Basically Nepal is ruled by Number 1,4,8 series. Number 4 and 8 series (4, 13,22,31,8,17,26) are unexpected numbers and its always doesn’t bring the positive result. Whenever number 8 series respectively 8,17,26 effect Nepal it brings changes. For example BS 2006 was the period when people did revolution against Rana Regime and they did get Democracy on BS 2007. Same thing happened in 2006 when People great revolution got victory.
No 1 series (1,10,19,28 ) are lucky for Nepal. If you watch the history of Nepal you find Number 1 series always brought positive results in Nepal. Like Royal massacred occurred in 19 Jesta or June 1 and which was foundation stone to turn country into republic. King’s Gyanendra direct too power on 1 February 2005 which was foundation of his downfall. Here the day is 1 and total of date is also 1
( 1+2+7=10 )
• On April, 1, 2007, the Interim Government joined by CPN-M was formed.
• .Nepal is declared republic on 2008 which also produce single number 1.
• On 28 May 2008, the monarchy was officially abolished and replaced with a secular federal republic by an overwhelming vote (560-4) of the Constituent Assembly. Here date 28 totals and year total both comes 1.

41855421 3515
30 14
3 5
31555421 3515
26 14
8 5
He was born on 1947/July/7
Lets calculate his birth date total
1+9+4+7+7+7 = 35, 3+5= 8
He wrote his songs under the name of G Shah
• 3 3515
3 5
In his name there is unexpected number and fatality and his name total is 4. X King of Nepal Ganendra was 13th king of Nepal. When Nepal was declared republic he accepted the decision. He asked the government to make arrangements for his residence on 1 June, and on 4 June the government decided to give another palace, the Nagarjuna Palace, to Gyanendra.
Nagarjuna Palace
513121651 813135
25 21
7 3
• His new residence consists of 10 buildings including the royal residence Hemanta Bas, 3 guest houses (Barsha Bas, Sharad Bas and Grishma Bas), one office secretariat and one staff quarters. Gyanendra and his family moved into the 2-storey Hemanta Bas.

In my finding another Numbers which constantly comes in Destiny of Nepal is number 3 series which also plays very important role in the history and future of Nepal. Like in year 2001 which total is number 3, royal massacred occurred. Present maoist lead Prachanda Sun is Sagittarius which is ruled by no 3.
30= 3

He was born on 1954/December/11 Year total is 1. December is 12 of month which total is 3 and his birth number contains double 1.
It seems Prachanda is very determined person and born as strong and powerful leader. From September 2009 to 2010 will be eventful for Nepal which may bring changes and dices of politics may be in the favor of Maoist and may rise.
So in this ways numbers rule our life and we have to learn use it on our benefits.

Dr. Baburam Bhattarai
2 1 2 6 2 1 4 2 5 1 4 1 2 1 1
11 7 17
2 7 8 ``

As no 8 is number of changes and if you observe Babu Ram Bhatarai he use invative skills and change way of tax collecting.

Which I have mentioned above that no 4 series constantly comes in the destiny of Nepal like there are 22 parties in Constitutional Assembly. The CPN (M) launched the Nepalese Civil War on 13 February 1996, in which about 13,000 people died in fighting between the party and the government.
Here day is 13 of February and total of year
Is 31 or number 4. (1+3+2+1+9+9+6=31/ 3+1= 4.).

On 4 February 1996, Babu Ram Bhatarai gave the government, led by Nepali Congress Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, a list of 40 demands, threatening civil war if they were not met. Here day is 4 and total of date is also 4 ( 4+2+1+9+9+6= 31/4 ).

On 2002 Ganendra did coo and made Deuba as PM.

Now let’s calculate present Prime minister of Nepal.

Madhav Kumar Nepal
414516 26412 55813
21/3 15/6 22/4
Name total =13
Madhav Kumar Nepal was born on BS 2009 and he became PM on 2009 AD. He should be careful for his security, accidents and other fatality.

Hello Friend I have created group Numerology and Online puja. Numerology is science of number. Through numerology we can convert sound into number and can know the Past, Present and future. If you apply tips given in article in your daily life I am 100 percent sure that your luck will be improved.

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