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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How Number Ruled Nepal and Sikkim Earth quake?

Date of earth quake is 2011.18.9
Each English letter has numerology values which are following:-
A - I - J - Q - Y = 1 || B - K - R = 2 || C - G - L - S = 3 || D - M - T = 4 || E - H - N - X = 5
U - V - W = 6 || O - Z = 7 || F - P = 8
Total of Nepal comes 22 and date of earth quake is 2011.18.9 which is 2+0+1+1+1+8+9=22, 2+2=4
55813 which is 5+5+8+1+3=22, 2+2=4
Here total of date is also 22 and numerology value of Nepal is also 22.Total of 22 is 4 ( 2+2=4 ) Beside this I know that Nepal is greatly ruled by number 9 or planet Mars. In the date you can see double 9.
Earth quake center was border between Nepal and Sikkim. Now lets calculate numerology value of Sikkim
312214 whose total is following 3+1+2+2+1+4=13, 1+3=4
Friends feel free to do cross check of my calculation.

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