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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Numbers and Planets influencing USA President

Basically three numbers rules current US President Barack Obama which are 4, 6 and 8. Number 4 series are ruled by Uranus, Number 6 series are ruled by Venus and Number 8 series are ruled by Saturn. He has very powerful Saturn and Venus in his birth chart.

There are only nine Planets in our Solar System, also that there are only nine numbers by which all our calculations on this earth are made. Beyond these nine numbers all the rest are repetitions, as 10 is a 1 with a zero added, an 11 is 1 plus 1, a 2; a 12 is 1 plus 2, a 3; and so on; every number, no matter how high, can be reduced to a single figure by what is called "natural addition" from left to right. The final single number that remains is called the "spirit, or soul number" of all the previous numbers added together.

Number 4 is very important for the history of USA. Like in 2011 which year total is 4 ( 2+0+1+1=4 ) is very eventful for USA. A lot of events are happening in this year like challenges in US economy, Catastrophes etc . Their most wanted enemy Osama bin Laden was hunted down in year 2011.

Beside, these single number, Obama one of the most important and eventful compound number is 26. I can write about him through the help of Western Astrology or Vedic Hindu Astrology too. But no science is complete without proof. That is why I am taking the help of Numerology to proof the facts. Feel free to cross check my data if you have any doubts.
In numerology all letters represent certain number based on their sound vibration. According to Chaldean numerology the values of alphabets are following
Value of Alphabets in number

A - I - J - Q - Y = 1 || B - K - R = 2 || C - G - L - S = 3 || D - M - T = 4 || E - H - N - X = 5
U - V - W = 6 || O - Z = 7 || F - P = 8

Each of English months are also ruled by certain zodiac signs and those zodiac signs are ruled by certain numbers which are following.

Period of Year ruled by zodiac signs and numbers
Mar 21 to Apr 20 ruled Aries and Aries is ruled by number 9

April 21 to May 21 is ruled Taurus and Taurus is ruled by number 6
May 22 to June 21 is ruled by Gemini and Gemini is ruled by number 5
June 22 to July 22 is ruled by Cancer and cancer is ruled by 2-7
July 23 to Aug 23 is ruled Leo and Leo is ruled by 1-4
Aug 20 to Sept 23 is ruled by Virgo and Virgo is ruled by number 5
Sept 24 to Oct 23 is ruled Libra and Libra is ruled by number 6
Oct24 to Nov 22 is ruled by Scorpio is ruled by number 9
Nov23 to Dec 21 is ruled by Sagittarius and Sagittarius is ruled by number 3
Dec 22 to Jan 20 is ruled by Capricorn and Capricorn is ruled by number 8
Jan 21 to Feb18 is ruled by Aquarius and Aquarius is ruled by number 8
Feb 19 to Mar 20 is ruled by Pisces and Pisces is ruled by number 3

Now let’s come to the point. Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961
Birth Day: - 4

Birth Month:- 8
Birth Year total :- 1961 ( 1+9+6+1=17, 1+7=8 )
Zodiac  Sign:- Leo which is ruled by number 1-4
Popularly known as Barack Obama


Total 2+1+2+1+3+1 = 11, 1+1=2
Total 7+2+1+4+1= 15, 1+5=6
Total Name total is 6+2= 8
Barack Obama is 44th US President where is double 4 and total of double 4 is 8 ( 4+4=8 )
Name of wife Michelle Obama

I= 1
E= 5
Total 4+1+3+5+5+3+3+5=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2

Obama total comes 6 which you can see above.
Her name total of complete name is also 8 ( 2+6 ).

Obama had very hard fight with Hillary Rodham Clinton. Name total of Hillary Rodham Clinton is 4 . She is popularly known as Hillary Clinton which total is 8. Below is the calculation of her name.
Total 5+1+3+3+1+2+1= 16, 1+6=

R =2
Total 2+7+4+5+1+4=23, 2+3=5

Total 3+3+1+5+4+7+5=28, 2+8=10,1+0=1

Total name total of Hillary Rodham Clinton 7+5+1= 13, 1+3=4.
But she is popularly known as Hillary Clinton and total of Hillary is 7 and Clinton is 1, so her name total is 8. It was 44th US presidential election whose total is 8 (4+4=8) so she gave very hard competition to Barack Obama whose name total is also 8. She also had play important role in US history that is why she is Foreign Minister of USA. Obama Saturn is much more powerful then Hillary Clinton. I heard that Obama have great faith over lord Hanuman (Hindu God).Lord Hanuman makes Saturn powerful and positive. May be that is why his Saturn is very powerful.

He got victory over John McCain on November 4th, 2008 in President Election. The day is also 4th and in 2008 there is also presence of 8.
John McCain name total is also 8. Below is the calculation

J= 1
Total 1+7+5+5=18, 1+8=9
M= 4

Total 4+3+3+1+1+5=17,1+7=8
Total of name total 9+8= 17, 1+7=8
Now let’s calculate the name total of USA enemy number 1 Osama bin Laden who was hunted down in year 2011.

O = 7
S =3
Total  7+3+1+4+1= 16, 1+6= 7

Total 2+1+5=8

L =3

Total 3+1+4+5+5= 9
Total name total of Osama bin Laden 7+8+9=6. He was popularly known as Bin Laden and its total is Bin numerology value is 8 and Laden numerology value is 9. So total of Bin Laden is also 8 ( 8+9=17, 1+7=8 )

Obama  was–U.S. Senator from Illinois, 2005-2008. Total of Illinois is 24/6

He wrote books which are following
1995 Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance .Year total of 1995 is 6 ( 1+9+9+5=24,2+4=6 2006 The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. Year total of book published 2006 is 8 (2+0+0+6=26, 2+6=8 ). There is also 6 in 2006.

His father and mother married on February 2, 1961. Barack was born six months later. Here also total of 1961 comes 8 and he was born 6 months later after their marriage 2 February is ruled by zodiac sign Capricorn and whose ruling number is also 8.
 Obama enrolled in the esteemed Punahou Academy, graduated with academic honours in 1979. Year total of 1979 is also 8 ( 1+9+7+9=26, 2+6=8 )
In 1982, he father died in car accident while travelling in Nairobi. Obama,. was 22 years old when he received the news of his father's passing. Sorrow he got in age of 22 whose total is 4 ( 2+2 =4 )
He enter Harvard Law School in 1988.in year 1988 there is double 8 and total of 1988 is 26 There is also 6 in 26 and total is 8.
** In February 1990, Obama was elected the first African-American editor of the Harvard Law Review and month February is ruled by Aquarius zodiac Sign which is ruled by number 8.
** On October 3, 1992, he and Michelle were married. October 3 is ruled by zodiac sign Libra which is ruled by number 6.
*** Obama published his autobiography in 1995 Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. The work received high praise from literary figures  and has since been printed in 10 languages, including Chinese, Swedish and Hebrew. The book had a second printing in 2004, and is currently being adapted into a children's version. The year total of 1995 is 6 and it is republish in 2004 which year total is also 6 (2+0+0+4=24, 2+4=6 )
** The 2006 audiobook version of Dreams, which was narrated by Obama, received a Grammy award for Best Spoken Word Album. In 2006 you can see combination of 26 and year total is 8 ( 2+0+0+6=8)

He ran for the Illinois State Senate as a Democrat. He won election in 1996. Name total of Illinois is 6. You can do cross checking.
Obama created a campaign committee in 2002, and began raising funds to run in the 2004 U.S. Senate Race. Here also year total of 2002 is 4 ( 2+0+0+2=22, 2+2=4 ) and total of year 2004 is 6 ( 2+0+0+4=24, 2+4=6 ).
Sworn into office January 4, 2005. Here also you see number 4 coming and January 4 is ruled by Aquarius zodiac sign and Aquarius is ruled by number 8.

His second book, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, was published in October 2006. Here also year total is 26 which is 8 ( 2+0+0+6=26, 2+6=8 ) The work discussed Obama's visions for the future of America, many of which became talking points for his eventual presidential campaign. Shortly after its release, it hit No. 1 on both the New York Times and Amazon.com bestsellers lists.

In February 2007, Obama made headlines when he announced his candidacy for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. He was locked in a tight battle with former first lady and then-U.S. Senator from New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton. On June 3, 2008, however, Obama became the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, and Senator Clinton delivered her full support to Obama for the duration of his campaign.
Name total of HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is 4 ( 6+7=13, 1+3=4) . She is popularly known as Hillary Clinton whose name total is 8 ( 44, 4+4 =8 )
On November 4th, 2008, Barack Obama defeated Republican presidential nominee John McCain for the position of U.S. President, 52.9 percent to 45.7 percent. On January 20, 2009, Obama became the 44th president of the United States—and the first African-American to hold this office. Name total of John McCain is also 8 ( 3+5=8 )

On January 27, 2010, President Obama delivered his first State of the Union speech. During his oration, Obama addressed the challenges of the economy, proposing a fee for larger banks, announcing a possible freeze on government spending in 2010, and speaking against the Supreme Court's reversal of a law capping campaign finance spending. The date total of January 27, 2010 is also 4 ( 1+2+7+2+2+0+1+0=193, 1+9+3=13, 1+3=4 ). Number 13 is very important in USA history and I will explain about it on my another article.

Date January 27 is ruled by Aquarius and Aquarius zodiac sign is ruled by number 8 or Saturn.  So in this way President Obama is basically ruled and influenced by Uranus, Venus and Saturn or Number 4,6,8 series. Friends please do write to me comment about this article.

If you want to read more Numerology related articles then please go to www.tantragurus.com. All the dates in this article I took it from  http://www.biography.com. Please do not republish this article with out my permission.

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